President’s Letter: October 2014
Dear Friends,
Bill Kehoe and I join Mary Anne Weber and Rodger Stephens in stepping up to positions of leadership of Living Legends of Alexandria. We all thank Pam St. Clair for her service as she steps down from being president and moves to a position on the Board of Directors.
Our goal remains working diligently to transition the organization from one being run by a founder to one being managed by a board and elected officers. Great progress is being made thanks to contributions by our terrific board of directors; our management company, Potomac Management Resources; and Nina Tisara, our visionary founder.
We continue to work at raising the necessary funding to keep all the parts moving. A year-end appeal will be coming at you in November (through December) where you will be encouraged to contribute some amount, however small, every month toward the financial health of Living Legends. If we can find 100 supporters to be “sustaining donors” we can consider this effort a big success.
Another announcement you can look forward to is the rollout of a new website. Technology being what it is, there are new elements available now that necessitate an upgrade. We are excited about this and hope you will contribute your ideas and suggestions to make our web presence more effective, more informational, and more fun.
The process of selecting Living Legends is well underway. We have received nominations of 28 individuals. Now we photograph them, interview them, and research their lives and contributions. In January some of these nominees will be selected as Living Legends.
As always, thank you for your support. There is a lot more to come!