In This Issue:
Through January 2, 2015
Exhibition of African American and Women Living Legends
BB&T Bank, Old Town branches.
Through February 28, 2015
2014 Living Legends of Alexandria Photos
Alexandria City Hall
Market Square lobby
301 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
March 19, 2015, 6-9 PM
Meet the Legends Reception
PTO Madison Building
April 22, 2015
Prints Available
You’ve seen them exhibited at City Hall.
Now you can have your own Portrait of a Legend
(or give one as a gift).
Custom Framed Prints
Signed by the Artist
16×16: $325; 11×11: $250
Smaller print sizes and Gift Certificates Available.
Call 703-838-8098 for details.

LLA Logo Golf Shirts & Caps

Wear your support for Living Legends over your heart (and on your head)! Order your LLA Logo Golf Shirts ($45) and caps ($25) today. Download an Order Form.

Holy Cow Donations!
Remember to support Living Legends when get your burgers at Holy Cow Burger Joint, 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue.
In an innovative partnership with ACT for Alexandria, 2014 Living Legend Mike Anderson gives back to more than 75 local nonprofits by donating $.25 for every burger sold at Holy Cow, Del Ray’s Gourmet Burger Joint. Living Legends is #045 on the list. And yes, they serve veggie-burgers.

2014 Platinum and Gold Sponsors
Alexandria Commission for the Arts
Alexandria Toyota
Club Managers Association
Goodwin House, Inc.
Linda Hafer
Gregg & Monica Murphy on behalf of Senior Services of Alexandria
Nina Tisara
Renner & Company, CPAs

Board of Directors
Joe Shumard
Vice President
Bill Kehoe
Mary Anne Weber
Rodger Stephens
Pam Cressey
Audrey Davis
Linda Hafer
A. Melvin Miller
Cindy Savery
Pam St. Clair
Director Emeritus
Nina Tisara

Message from the President

LLA Board members wrapped up their October meeting by posing in their LLA logo golf shirts. Pictured (L-R) are: Rodger Stephens, Linda Hafer, Joe Shumard, Mary Anne Weber, Bill Kehoe and Pam St. Clair. Photo by Nina Tisara
Dear Friends,
Bill Kehoe and I join Mary Anne Weber and Rodger Stephens in stepping up to positions of leadership of Living Legends of Alexandria. We all thank Pam St. Clair for her service as she steps down from being president and moves to a position on the Board of Directors.
Our goal remains working diligently to transition the organization from one being run by a founder to one being managed by a board and elected officers. Great progress is being made thanks to contributions by our terrific board of directors; our management company, Potomac Management Resources; and Nina Tisara, our visionary founder.
We continue to work at raising the necessary funding to keep all the parts moving. A year-end appeal will be coming at you in November (through December) where you will be encouraged to contribute some amount, however small, every month toward the financial health of Living Legends. If we can find 100 supporters to be “sustaining donors” we can consider this effort a big success.
Another announcement you can look forward to is the rollout of a new website. Technology being what it is, there are new elements available now that necessitate an upgrade. We are excited about this and hope you will contribute your ideas and suggestions to make our web presence more effective, more informational, and more fun.
The process of selecting Living Legends is well underway. We have received nominations of 29 individuals. Now we photograph them, interview them, and research their lives and contributions. In January some of these nominees will be selected as Living Legends.
As always, thank you for your support. There is a lot more to come!
Joseph Shumard, President

2014 Living Legend of Alexandria — Charles Eugene “Tony” Gee
By Joseph S. Shumard

Gee was a pioneering African American business leader during a period of profound social change in Alexandria.
Photo by Steven Halperson
Charles Eugene “Tony” Gee is more than just legendary. He was a pioneering African American business leader during a period of profound social change in Alexandria and played a critical role in the economic development of lower King Street.
What many people think of when they think of Tony Gee is the Snack Bar restaurant, which started out on lower King Street in Alexandria. It was originally owned by Ruth and Salvatore Galardi, who first hired him as a porter in 1958. He quickly became the manager and ultimately the owner. The Snack Bar later moved to Mount Vernon Avenue in Del Ray, where it continued in operation until 1993. At both locations, the Snack Bar was a groundbreaking enterprise and Gee was its face—serving a sizeable clientele of loyal patrons and helping it become a significant community institution. The Snack Bar served more than 500 meals each day, five days a week. Gee made it a point to know the name of every one of his customers and developed good friendships with many of them.
Read More: www.AlexandriaLegends.org
Barrett’s PTA Reflections Night Features “Living Legends”

(L-R) Victoria (age 7) and Sophia (age 3) Patrick working with their mother Anna Jaeger.
Under the direction of Charles Barrett Elementary School Reflections coordinators Anna Jaeger and Kate Knysh, four Living Legends of Alexandria were guests at the school’s PTA Reflections Art Night on October 15.
Reflections is an arts recognition and achievement program for students sponsored by the National PTA. ACPS students are encouraged to produce an original, artistic entry in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. The most imaginative interpretation of the theme through any one of these mediums is the object of the program.

Performing Artist/Educator Kathleen Baker (center) speaking to third grade students Evelyn Sittner (in pink) and Grace Metzler.
The Living Legends, whose life stories tied in perfectly with the competition’s theme included former T.C. Williams Principal and ACPS Assistant Superintendent John Porter, currently executive director of ACT for Alexandria; MetroStage Artistic Director Carolyn Griffin; former attorney A. Melvin Miller, a local civil rights leader; and firefighter Willie F. Bailey Sr., who collects toys, coats and school supplies for needy children. They each spoke briefly on the Reflections theme, “The world would be a better place if . . .,” and then were available to talk individually with students as they created their original works of art and writing.
Our sincere appreciation goes to Anna Jaeger, Kate Knysh, and Alexandria performing artist and educator Kathleen Baker for making the program possible.
Breaking News: We are delighted to have been invited to have Legends speak at MacArthur Elementary School’s Reflections Art Night as well.

2007 Legend Carolyn Griffin, producing artistic director of MetroStage (far right) speaks on the theatre’s creation and the importance of storytelling.
Photos by Nina Tisara
BB&T Open House
BB&T Bank is hosting an exhibition of portraits of African American and women Living Legends of Alexandria at its Old Town branches through January 2. The branches at 1717 King Street and 300 S. Washington Street are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Fridays.
In celebration of the exhibition, the community was invited to an open house at the King Street branch on October 1.
For information on hosting a Living Legends exhibition at your location, contact Joe Shumard.

Photos by Nina Tisara
Thank You for your Nominations
Each year around this time, we’re asked whether we’ll run out of nominations for Living Legends. We don’t think so–we received 29 this year! The board will be reviewing them in early January and announcing the Legends of 2015 shortly thereafter. The Legends will be formally introduced at the “Meet the Legends” reception on March 19 at the U.S. Patent and Trade Office.