Getting Around
Volunteer Alexandria’s Philanthropy Summit
Pam St. Clair and Nina Tisara represented Living Legends at Volunteer Alexandria’s Philanthropy Summit on May 7. In addition to displaying the Traveling Exhibition photographs, they shared a table with the Old Town Business and Professional Association which invited LLA to display portraits of Alexandria’s Business Legends. Photographer Steven Halperson created the exhibition using printouts of the Business Legends from the LLA catalogs.
Three Living Legends of Alexandria were recognized at the Summit. 2014 Living Legend Mike Anderson was recognized with the Business Philanthropist of the Year award. Joseph Viar, named a Living Legend in 2011, was recognized as the Nonprofit Board Leader of the Year. And T.J. Fannon (1930-2013), who was named a Legend in 2008, was honored posthumously with the Business Philanthropy Legacy award.

Summit-goers looking at the Business Legend portraits.

Carol Supplee, immediate past president of the Old Town Business and Professional Association, with Pam St. Clair.

Northern Virginia Community College’s Spring Concert provided another opportunity to expand LLA’s reach. Pam St. Clair and Nina Tisara set up the Traveling Exhibition and enjoyed both the concert and watching people view the photographs. Photo by Pam St. Clair.
The exhibition of “Women Legends of Alexandria: 2007-2013” at Prudential PenFed Realty was a stop on the Women’s History Tour sponsored by the Commission for Women, Friends of the Commission for Women and Living Legends of Alexandria. The exhibition may be seen at Prudential PenFed Realty, 300 N. Washington Street, Suite 100, through June 27, weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The exhibition was also a stop on a tour by members of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.
Broker Maxine McLeod Miller of Prudential PenFed Realty welcomed the group from Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church to the exhibition of portraits “Women Legends of Alexandria: 2007-2013” and artworks by women artists of the Del Ray Artisans. The group was visiting Alexandria to tour the grounds of Mount Vernon Unitarian Church (MVUC), where they enjoyed lunch prepared by MVUC members.
In her presentation, artist-photographer Nina Tisara counseled the group to make paper prints of the photos they want to keep and label them with the names of the subjects, the date, where the photo was taken, the occasion and the photographer. “I promise you, years from now, you won’t remember and your children won’t have a clue.”
Members of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of Washington, DC tour the exhibition. Photos by Nina Tisara
Civil Rights Saturday — A Free Interactive Activity
Teaching Families about the Civil Rights Locally and Nationally
The Alexandria Black History Museum, in cooperation with the Living Legends of Alexandria/Family Legends Project, will present Civil Rights Saturday on May 24, 2014, from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. This educational and fun event is free and open to the public.
This event will feature a book signing for Fire on the Bayou: True Tales from The Civil Rights Battlefront, written by Howard Feinstein. This new book chronicles Mr. Feinstein’s experiences as a federal hate crimes prosecutor in the deep South. Guests are invited to hear a reading from the author, and he will be available to sign copies of the book. Fire on the Bayou: True Tales from The Civil Rights Battlefront has been nominated for a 2014 Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Proceeds from sales will be donated to Empowered Women International.
Afterwards, join acting Director and Living Legends board member Audrey Davis for an overview of the featured exhibition, “Sit Down and Take a Stand: Samuel Wilbert Tucker and 1939 Alexandria Library Sit-in.” The 75th anniversary of this historic event occurs in 2014, and was one of the earliest civil rights actions in the United States.
To conclude the program, families may join artist Sushmita Mazumdar for a storytelling/book making activity. Share a story of a personal civil rights experience. Participants will make a book they can take home, which can become a family keepsake. This activity is suitable for adults and children 10 years and over.
Space for the workshop is limited, and reservations are recommended. Participation will be limited to the first 20 people who reserve. For information and reservations, please call 703-746-4356.
The Alexandria Black History Museum is located at 902 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, in the Parker-Gray Historic District. The Museum is five blocks from the Braddock Road Metro Station on the Yellow or Blue lines. Street parking is available. For more information, visit