Meet the Legends Reception
Over 200 people gathered for the 8th Annual Meet the Legends reception on March 19 at the Patent & Trademark Office Madison Building. Guests included the 2015 Living Legends of Alexandria: Kathleen Baker, Kate Campbell Stevenson representing Marga Fripp who was out of the country, Alice P. Morgan, Fred Parker, Joyce Rawlings, Gayle Reuter and Nina Tisara. Though city council had a budget workshop scheduled that evening, Mayor Bill Euille was able to stop by to congratulate the Legends as were Councilwoman Del Pepper and Councilman John Chapman.

First row, left-right, Nina Tisara, Mayor Bill Euille, Joyce Rawlings, Councilwoman Del Pepper; second row, Kathleen Baker, Kate Campbell Stevenson representing Marga Fripp, Fred Parker, Alice P. Morgan, Councilman John Chapman and Gayle Reuter

Among those attending from Goodwin House at Home and Goodwin House Foundation were: 1st row (l-r) Barbara Schmidt, Jeanne Jacob, and Marcia Saumweber, 2nd row (l-r) Bob Schmidt and Lori Young
Past year’s Legends were well represented: Mike Anderson, Rosa Byrd, Lynnwood Campbell, Rodger Digilio,Tony Gee, Carolyn Griffin, Arlene Hewitt, Bud Hart, Bill Kehoe, David M. Martin, Melvin Miller, Pat Miller, Mike Oliver, Lillian Patterson, Fran and Gant Redmon, Lonnie Rich, Joe Shumard, David Speck, Jack Taylor, Patsy Ticer, Marian Van Landingham, Connie West, Donnie Wintermute and John Porter who served as Master of Ceremonies with just the right mix of efficiency and light-hearted humor.
Also in the audience were staff, teachers, students and parents from Commonwealth Academy (C/A). By way of background, last April, Nina Tisara saw a quilt produced by students at C/A for the Holocaust Memorial program at Market Square. She was so impressed with the student’s work that she contacted the school to ask about ways Living Legends might collaborate with them.
Commonwealth Academy on Leslie Avenue in Alexandria is a coeducational college preparatory day school for average to superior students who benefit from small classes and instruction designed to address various learning styles including those students who have organizational, attention or learning differences.
The outcome of those conversations was the production of digital portraits, ceramic clocks with working mechanisms, unique silkscreen designs—all gifts for the Legends—and the Tribute video you can view here. Living Legends is especially grateful to Head of School Dr. Susan Johnson, Marketing Director Cathy Feehan and teachers Ksenya Litvak and Ricardo Pontes, who was the teacher in charge of the video. Editing the video alone took 120 hours. Feehan later wrote “It was a pleasure to get to know this organization and the Legends. They are all inspirations for us…thanks for believing in us!” From all of us in Living Legends, we thank Commonwealth Academy!

Commonwealth Academy Students (l-r) Lee, silk screen artist; Rachel, video editor; and Chris, cinematographer.
The video, which received a standing ovation, “demonstrates the value of the Living Legends Project and the vision of founder Nina Tisara,” said Joseph Shumard, President of Living Legends of Alexandria. “It not only tells the stories of the legends but it inspires people…like the young people who made the video.” Living Legends continues to explore ways to be a resource to the community, and especially its young people.

2011 Legend Jack Taylor (left) and Jen Walker were the winning bidders on tickets to a Washington Capitals game donated by 2014 Legend Gregg Murphy.
Legendary Fare was generously provided by Chadwicks, Dishes of India, Hard Times Cafe, Red Rocks Pizza and Pork Barrel BBQ. Please dine at these restaurants often and while you’re there, ask for the manager and thank them for supporting Living Legends. Free parking was provided by Colonial Parking and complimentary Valet Parking was donated by David Speck of Speck–Caudron Investment Group of Wells Fargo Advisors.
All photos by Steven Halperson\Tisara Photo |
Spring2ACTion – April 22
It’s Spring and Living Legends of Alexandria is participating in this year’s 24-hour online event, Spring2ACTion. Spring2ACTion, an activity of ACT for Alexandria, encourages everyone to contribute to Alexandria’s nonprofit organizations through a single online giving platform on Wednesday, April 22.
This year there are two ways for you to demonstrate your support. Donate to Living Legends on Spring2ACTion and/or donate to Nina Tisara’s Free Agent page for Family Legends. Family Legends is a program of Living Legends that works with children and their families to chronicle their family histories.
Read more about what we do and how your donation will be used on the sites linked above.
Donations are welcome at any time however there are prizes to the nonprofits for the most donors and the most dollars raised on one day, April 22.
New this year, Convergence at 1801 N. Quaker Lane will host an Open House for Alexandria’s nonprofit arts organizations. Convergence is a community of people who value creativity, spirituality, diversity and exploration. Visit Convergence on that day and enjoy refreshments, entertainment and a mosaic exhibition by Nina Tisara while you donate to Living Legends and your other favorite art groups.
You also have the option to schedule in advance so you can sign up right now. Your credit card won’t be charged until the 22nd. For help with advance donations watch the Schedule a Donation video tutorial.
There is also an option this year to “boost your donation.” That would add the charge costs usually paid by LLA to your donation. You’ll find that option on the donation page.
Whether or not you wish to donate, please take a moment to “Join the Conversation” and write something on the Homepage. |
King Street Gardens Park
Living Legends, past and present, and Living Legends board members, past and present, may purchase a two-line name brick in King Street Gardens Park for $100, a saving of $25. The award-winning park is located at the intersection of King Street and Diagonal Road. Funds received for the bricks are earmarked for improvements such as lighting, irrigation, landscaping, maintenance and information systems.
For additional information and/or to order a brick, contact Marlin Lord, [email protected] or Rodger Digilio, [email protected].

Marlin Lord (left) oversees brick installation.
Photo by Steven Halperson/Tisara Photo