In This Issue:

Prints Available
You’ve seen them exhibited at City Hall.
Now you can have your own Portrait of a Legend
(or give one as a gift).
Custom Framed Prints
Signed by the Artist
16×16: $325; 11×11: $250
Smaller print sizes and Gift Certificates Available.
Call 703-838-8098 for details.

LLA Logo Golf Shirts & Caps

Wear your support for Living Legends over your heart (and on your head)! Order your LLA Logo Golf Shirts ($45) and caps ($25) today. Download an Order Form.

Holy Cow Donations!
Remember to support Living Legends when get your burgers at Holy Cow Burger Joint, 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue.
In an innovative partnership with ACT for Alexandria, 2014 Living Legend Mike Anderson gives back to more than 75 local nonprofits by donating $.25 for every burger sold at Holy Cow, Del Ray’s Gourmet Burger Joint. Living Legends is #045 on the list. And yes, they serve veggie-burgers.

Through June 27, 2014
Women Legends of Alexandria: 2007-2013
Prudential PenFed Realty, 300 N. Washington St., Suite 100
Through September 8, 2014
Past Legends Exhibition
3rd Floor, Alexandria City Hall
Through February 28, 2015
2014 Living Legends of Alexandria Photos
Market Square lobby of City Hall
October 15, 2014
Deadline to submit nominations for 2015 Living Legendsalexandrialegends.com

2014 Platinum and Gold Sponsors
Alexandria Commission for the Arts
Alexandria Toyota
Club Managers Association
Goodwin House, Inc.
Linda Hafer
Gregg & Monica Murphy on behalf of Senior Services of Alexandria
Nina Tisara

Board of Directors
Pam St. Clair
Vice President
Joseph Shumard
Mary Anne Weber
Rodger Stephens
Victoria Almquist
Pam Cressey
Audrey Davis
Charles “Tony” Gee
Linda Hafer
Bill Kehoe
A. Melvin Miller
Director Emeritus
Nina Tisara

Message from the President
Dear Friends,
Check out what is new on our website, AlexandriaLegends.com. The Legend photos on the home page are now identified and if you hover your cursor on the name, you’ll be linked directly to the catalog story about the Legend. The longer newspaper versions, when published, are linked to the section named “List of all Legends” at the left of the Homepage.
Please take another moment to Like Us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and sign on to see our blog posts so you’ll have the latest info on what we’re up to. There are buttons to click at left.
Share these with your friends, family and other contacts. The more people know about Living Legends the better. With your help we can spread the word about our wonderful photo-documentary project that tells the stories of people making our town a better place to live, work and do business. If more people are aware of LLA there will be more nominations and more opportunities to say “Thank You”!
The summer is a wonderful time to think about people who should be nominated prior to the October 14, 2014 deadline. The nomination Criteria was recently reviewed by the LLA board. It is easy to remember:
Criteria for being a Legend:
Creation of something that improves the quality of life in Alexandria that would not likely have existed without that person’s vision and determination to make it happen.
Those currently running for or holding political office are not eligible for consideration.
As you enjoy your summer, please remember to:
- Check out the Living Legends website
- Like us on Facebook
- Sign on to see our blog posts
- Share the word about Living Legends
- Think of someone to nominate
Thank you again for your continuing support!
Pam St. Clair

2014 Living Legend of Alexandria — Rose Berler
By Barbara Holleb

Rose Berler believes that “when you get involved, something good always comes out of it.”
Photo by Steven Halperson
At age 16, Rose Enevoldsen Berler (known to her family as Rosie), graduated from high school in Norfolk, Va. But she had to wait until she turned 17 to go up north, to Baltimore’s School of Nursing at Sinai Hospital. She loved nursing and thrived under the strict demands and high standards of her training.
She won a pediatric scholarship and attended Catholic University’s School of Nursing Education but returned to Norfolk to be close to her father who had a serious bone condition. There, she worked for a doctor’s office and in a hospital’s in-patient post-operative care unit.
She was set up on a blind date with a man whom her grandmother predicted she would marry. The prediction came true, and six months later, on Aug. 7, 1949, she married Seymour Berler, a physicist whose work with the Defense Intelligence Agency brought them to Alexandria.
Read More: www.alexandrialegends.com
Getting Around
Last Chance
Women Legends of Alexandria: 2007-2013 will be at Prudential PenFed Realty, 300 N. Washington Street, Suite 100 through Friday, June 27. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to stop by Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. for an opportunity to see the portraits of remarkable women who have made Alexandria a better place to live, work and raise a family.
The exhibition includes portraits of Mollie Abraham, Donna Bergheim with Mel Bergheim, Rosalind Bovey, Kathryn Brown with Marlin Lord, Rosa Byrd, Elizabeth Chimento with Poul Hertel, Lillie Finklea and Louise Massoud, Carolyn Griffin, Arlene Hewitt, Wendy McGann John, Vola Lawson, Alice Merrill and Linda Odell, Eula Miller, Joann E. Miller, Pat Miller, Lillian Stanton Patterson, Fran Redmon with Gant Redmon, Joan Renner with John Renner, Jane Ring, Debra Roepke, Gladys Seisler, Charlene Schiff, Patsy Ticer, Dorothy Turner and Gwen Menefee Smith, Marian Van Landingham, Lois Walker, and Betty Wright.
The exhibition also includes selected work by women artists of the Del Ray Artisans, a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 whose mission is to promote art for the benefit of artists and the community.
Last Chance, Again!
Past Legends Exhibition, 3rd Floor, Alexandria City Hall. This exhibition is of past Legends, 2007-2012 (except for women). We’ve extended the exhibition through September 8, so visit them before they come down.
Civil Rights Saturday — A Free Interactive Activity Teaching Families about the Civil Rights Locally and Nationally
The Civil Rights Saturday program cosponsored by the Alexandria Black History Museum and Living Legends of Alexandria was so successful we plan to host another this summer. Stay tuned for details.
The free interactive program about Civil Rights locally and nationally featured an overview by then acting museum director, (now director) Audrey Davis of the current exhibition “Sit Down and Take a Stand: Samuel Wilbert Tucker and the 1939 Alexandria Library Sit-in.” The 75th anniversary of the historic event occurs this year and was one of the earliest civil rights actions in the United States.

Former hate crimes prosecutor Howard Feinstein chronicled some of his experiences in the deep South including a reading from his book Fire on the Bayou: True Tales from the Civil Rights Battlefront.

As part of Family Legends of Alexandria, adults and children joined local storyteller and book artist Sushmita Mazumdar for a bookmaking activity. Family Legends of Alexandria is a program organized by Living Legends of Alexandria.

Photos by Nina Tisara/Living Legends of Alexandria
Congratulations to Audrey Davis
Audrey Davis Appointed Director of Alexandria Black History Museum

Audrey Davis speaking at recent program cosponsored by the Black History Museum and Living Legends of Alexandria. Photo by Nina Tisara
Living Legends of Alexandria is proud to announce that board member Audrey Davis was appointed Director of the Alexandria Black History Museum. Davis has worked at the museum for the past 21 years and has served as Acting Director since July 1, 2012, when the previous Director, Louis Hicks, retired from City service. Davis was selected from among six finalists after a nationwide search.
Read More at alexandrialegends.blogspot.com
Arts Commission Grant
Living Legends of Alexandria is pleased to be a recipient of a 2014 grant from the Alexandria Commission for the Arts.
The Commission’s role is to provide leadership in the development of a vibrant and sustainable arts community that engages audiences, and to encourage support and appreciation for the arts as a cornerstone of Alexandria’s identity and cultural, social, and economic vitality. To accomplish this mission, the Commission administers City grant funds and arts programs; advises City Council on policy, funding and development needs for the arts; collaborates with partners on initiatives that further the development of, and participation in, the arts; and generally advocates for the arts.

Pictured here at the award reception is President Pam St. Clair (left) and Commissioner Susan Amber Gordon. Photo by Nina Tisara