In This Issue:
Civil Rights Saturday

Prints Available
You’ve seen them exhibited at City Hall.
Now you can have your own Portrait of a Legend
(or give one as a gift).
Custom Framed Prints
Signed by the Artist
16×16: $325; 11×11: $250
Smaller print sizes and Gift Certificates Available.
Call 703-625-8191 for details.

LLA Logo Golf Shirts & Caps

Wear your support for Living Legends over your heart (and on your head)! Order your LLA Logo Golf Shirts ($45) and caps ($25) now for spring delivery. Download an Order Form.

Holy Cow Donations!
Remember to support Living Legends when get your burgers at Holy Cow Burger Joint, 2312 Mt. Vernon Avenue.
In an innovative partnership with ACT for Alexandria, 2014 Living Legend Mike Anderson gives back to more than 75 local nonprofits by donating $.25 for every burger sold at Holy Cow, Del Ray’s Gourmet Burger Joint. Living Legends is #045 on the list. And yes, they serve veggie-burgers.

March 1, 2014 – February 28, 2015
2014 Living Legends of Alexandria photos at Market Square lobby of City Hall
February – June 2014
Past Legends Exhibit, 3rd Floor, Alexandria City Hall
May 24, 2014
Civil Rights Saturday
2:00-4:00, Alexandria Black History Museum

2014 Gold and Silver Sponsors
Alexandria Commission for the Arts
Alexandria Toyota
Club Managers Association
Goodwin House, Inc.
Linda Hafer
Gregg & Monica Murphy on behalf of Senior Services of Alexandria
Nina Tisara

Board of Directors
Pam St. Clair
Vice President
Joseph Shumard
Mary Anne Weber
Rodger Stephens
Victoria Almquist
Pam Cressey
Audrey Davis
Charles “Tony” Gee
Linda Hafer
Bill Kehoe
A. Melvin Miller
Director Emeritus
Nina Tisara

Message from the President
Dear Friends,
As you will see in the report below, Living Legends got a great response from many of you for Spring2ACTion. The total citywide goal of over $1 million was surpassed! We were happy to be part of that effort.
Now, as you have come to expect… I say thank you in one sentence and then ask you to do more for LLA in the next. The Meet the Legends reception was not only fun, but successful. Spring2ACTion helped a lot. We have been awarded a grant by Dominion Power. Other donations and contributions from individuals and businesses have been received. The succession plan for turning Living Legends into a community project rather than a Nina Tisara project is moving forward. There is so much more work to be done if we are to keep Living Legends going into the future:
- If you see a place where the Legend photos might be exhibited, let us know.
- If you know an organization that gives grants to nonprofits that benefit communities, let us know.
- If your employer has a matching grant option for giving, sign up and designate Living Legends.
- If you have any other ideas about fundraising, let us know.
- If you have thoughts about who should be honored as a Living Legend, go online and nominate them!
- If you would like to work with us in some capacity, let us know what you would like to do: email [email protected].
I recently had a very personal experience that reinforced what a great idea Nina had when she started Living Legends and how important it is to keep it going. Shortly before she died, my mother was visited by many friends who worked with her in organizations where she volunteered, who had known her through her many years of teaching as a parent or a child, or who were friends or neighbors she had helped in some way. They came to say “Thank You” and let her know that she had an impact on their life. It was important for her to hear it. It was important for them to say it. It was important for us, as her family, to know others thought she was pretty special too. Living Legends is how our Alexandria community says “Thank You” to our “special” people. It is important for them to hear it. It is important for us to say it. It is important for their families, friends, and others in the community to know what they have done and to be inspired by their actions.
Pam St. Clair

Report on Spring2ACTion 2014
By Nina Tisara
Living Legends raised $3,855 in the Spring2ACTion fundraiser. The total includes $300 for a live auction item paid for through Razoo and $75 for a Living Legends portrait print sold during the Open House. Thank you for participating.
Very special thanks to:
- Rodger Stephens who worked out the strategy for our participation this year and provided a $250 matching grant. Rodger videotaped me at City Hall for our fundraising page and was on hand at the Open House to guide several people through their on-line donations;
- Board members Victoria Almquist, Pam Cressey, Melvin Miller, Pam St. Clair, and Mary Anne Weber for their donations. Bill Kehoe donated by check;
- Former board members Steve Wharton and Tim Elliott for their donations; and
- Steven Halperson for making the Tisara Photography studio available for the Open House. The Halperson family (my children Julie Halperson, Steven Halperson, and Lynn Mills) donated $250 between them.
I was happy to be able to offer a $500 matching grant which was filled and my personal fundraising page far exceeded my goal of $1,000. A complete list of donors and amounts will be available soon.
ACT exceeded its 24-hour fundraising goal of $1 million dollars. The final numbers are impressive: $1,031,282 from 7516 donors in just 24 hours for 121 Alexandria nonprofits.
Check out the winners at www.spring2action.org. When you do, please note that there are opportunities for thousands of additional dollars in prize money for winning in a number of categories: most donors and most dollars to name two. Let’s try for some of that prize money next year!
2014 Living Legend of Alexandria — Richard Allyn Glassco
By Mary Anne Weber

Glassco’s love of mathematics led to his career with computers, his involvement with ALIVE! as treasurer, and his mentoring of children sharing both his love of numbers and his skills.
Photo by Steven Halperson/Tisara Photography
The two volunteer positions not-for-profits find hardest to fill are those of recording secretary and treasurer, so it is not surprising that once ALIVE! (Alexandrians InVolved Ecumenically!) tapped Richard Glassco for the position of treasurer, he has remained in the position for 23 years. During that time, ALIVE!, which was founded in 1969, has grown from an all-volunteer organization to one with volunteers from about 40 faith communities, a 1.3 million dollar budget, and about 14 employees.
It is a complex operation and Glassco has broken the budget into three fully-developed components. The child development center at First Christian Church is a pre-school program for low income parents who pay on a sliding scale fee. The ALIVE! Shelter for homeless women and children provides housing for longer periods than at a regular shelter. The Family Assistance division provides monetary assistance for medicine, rent, and utility payments, as well as emergency food deliveries and the last Saturday of the month program which distributes food from three sites. In addition, the organization collects furniture and housewares for people in need.
Read More: www.alexandrianews.org
Living Legend Photos at Salute to Women
Living Legends of Alexandria was asked to provide six photos for display at the Alexandria Commission for Women’s Salute to Women. The photos represented women Legends who had died, were commissioners, or had awards named in their honor. They are Vola Lawson, Lois Walker, Donna Bergheim, Joann Miller, Marian Van Landingham, and Mollie Abraham. Here, 2013 Legend David Martin and others stop to look.

Photo by Wayne Hulehan
Meet the Legends Reception Photos
Photos from the Meet the Legends reception may be ordered on-line through Steven Halperson/Tisara Photography. View them at www.photoreflect.com
Steven will need to know the # MTL14- *** below the images, size and quantity. Contact him at [email protected] or 703-838-8098 if you have questions.
The “Highlights” video produced by students Paul Shalonis and Dario Baguena under the direction of associate professor Joe Small, Northern Virginia Community College, was accepted in the current student Photography and Media Show. The exhibition was juried by Kathleen Ewing who has operated the Kathleen Ewing Gallery for 30 years. Ewing selected 117 pieces of 236 entries and commented that the video was “really well done.” We, of course, agree!
The video was aired at the Meet the Legends reception on April 20.

Getting Around
National Civil War Project Event
Two Living Legend Board members, Pam Cressey and Audrey Davis, participated in a National Civil War Project event at the Nanny J. Lee Center in February. The event welcomed descendants of African Americans buried at the Alexandria Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery and included a community discussion.
2010 Legend T. Michael Miller rediscovered the cemetery in 1987 by reading 19th century Washington Post articles and burial records. 2008 Living Legends Lillie Finklea and Louise Massoud were recognized for their work to protect, preserve, and restore the cemetery. 2014 Legend Char McCargo Bah began volunteering as a genealogist with the Friends of the Freedmen’s Cemetery in 1997. Last year, she was hired to lead the continuing research for the cemetery. Approximately 1,800 African Americans, many who experienced only months or weeks of freedom before their deaths were buried at the once-forgotten cemetery. Through her work, Bah has found the families of 130 of the deceased.
The Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery Memorial Park is scheduled to open later this year.
Coming Events
Civil Rights Saturday
May 24, 2014
Sponsored by the Alexandria Black History Museum and Living Legends of Alexandria/Family Legends Project
Howard Feinstein, author of Fire On The Bayou: True Tales From The Civil Rights Battlefront will talk about his book which will be available for signing. Audrey Davis will conduct a tour of the exhibition, “Sit Down and Take a Stand,” and Sushmita Mazumdar will guide a story telling and book making activity which encourages young people to tell a tale of someone they know who had an experience during the fight for civil rights in America. This activity is suitable for children 10 years and over.
Space is limited and participation will be limited to first 20 people who reserve. Info/Reservations: 703-746-4356.