Living Legends of Alexandria Unveils City Hall Exhibit
The portraits of the twelve new Legends for 2016 were hung last week in City Hall. This is one piece of LLA’s effort to highlight the work these individuals do within the City of Alexandria. The portraits will remain on display for the public to view whenever City Hall is open throughout the year. Funding for this project is provided through LLA’s relationship with The Dominion Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Dominion Virginia Power.

Where did the portraits for the 2015 Legends go?

We are proud to report that the framed 2015 Legend portraits were accepted by the Office of Historic Alexandria along with all the past Legend photos where they are now part of OHA’s permanent collection. The framed prints may be requested from OHA for exhibition at other locations.
A Traveling Exhibition of the 2016 Legends is available for display at your events. The 18×24″ Legend prints are mounted on boards and displayed on easels. Loan of the boards and easels may be requested from Living Legends.

Have questions? Contact us here.