2014 Living Legend of Alexandria Ramona K. Hatten
For over thirty years, Ramona K. Hatten has been involved in community service in Alexandria. Hatten graduated from Mount Vernon College with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. Since then, she has used her professional skills to help low income and public housing residents improve their quality of life. Hatten has encouraged them to become involved in civic activities, the PTA, voter registration and public demonstrations for justice. She was a grass roots campaign worker on Joyce Woodson’s City Council win.
Hatten was an Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority (ARHA) commissioner from 1982 to 1990. In 1988, she was instrumental in the formation of the Alexandria Resident Council (ARC) to assure public housing resident input into ARHA decisions effecting public housing tenants. In 1991, she lobbied city council to establish a resident slot on the ARHA board.